Friday, February 28, 2014

A Universal Face ?

       Tonight I went to dinner with a very young guest. We both love steaks and my most favorite restaurant is Logan's in York Pa. But I have also been to The Embers and have never had a poor experience. Tonight was no different and to think I almost went home. Driving over to Logan's, the parking lot was overflowing with cars and I wasn't about to wait. So as not to disappoint myself and my little guy I went driving around for that steak dinner and nothing but a steak would do, but it had to be a good one.
         Driving up route thirty in my area I thought we'd go to one other place but I found myself in a wrong lane and veered off onto 83 and then I found myself on Market street and knew where I was going, to The Embers. I just hoped beyond hope it wasn't overcrowded. It was just right even though again the lot was full of cars. The Embers has a nice size bar closed off from the restaurant which is nice for families with younger children.
    We were quickly seated and out waitress Katie came over a just right smiled and none of the giddy, high voice talking to an adult as if a child. Those waitresses annoy the crap out of me. She even spoke to my little guest in a voice that showed him, she is an adult here to take a food order, yet friendly, helpful and didn't speak at all to him as if he was a baby.
     As I looked at her I mentioned that she looked familiar and her so nice response was one I never heard before. I have a Universal Face. WOW! What a perfect phrase and of course that sends pictures thought my thoughts of so many places. "Universal" in itself describes a lot. We went on to order two Fillet Mignon each cooked differently, garlic mashed potatoes and broccoli. The mashed potatoes could have been hot and they were only, and barely warm. Yet I found I couldn't complain because we had a great waitress and the steaks were fantastic, the main reason for me to go to The Embers Restaurant.
      Katie was a very good example of how a waitress should be. She waited while I cut my steak, and walked off while we ate yet stayed in sight in a timely way, so as not to hover making people nuts, but being around just enough so as not to wait too long to have another cup of coffee or whatever we needed. She also asked the child, not forgetting he too was a patron and just because the adult was paying, she made sure the child counted.
      That is one Universal face I will never forget again. Courtesy, good manners, great food and a wonderful,  professional personality make me know I will definitely return to the Embers.
Thank you Katie :) You may indeed have a Universal face, but all about you is unique. We appreaciated how you took care of us this evening.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

ANIME is PORN ? Parents Beware

       IT was only this afternoon that I was taught about what we adults know as "Graphic novels" if in ANIME form are mainly porn.
      Many kids read this right in front of us and think, "hey we're screwing mom and dad, they don't even know what I'm reading", so I am passing this on to you. It looks just like some crazy animated cartoon character, but it isn't. In One book which also looks like a large comic I saw what a kid told me was a whistle as he sat and smiled. No, it was a large penis. When confronted with all of this he again just sat and smiled.
      Here as adults, many don't know porn can be accessed through x-box-PS 2 & 3 and the Wii and that means hand held games too While parents may lock the Internet, kids can pick up WIFI in almost any area of your home, school or neighborhood.
    Just a warning. Really go through the books your kids take home from a library at school or your neighborhood.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Raw Honey & Cinnamon

       Please look it up and make sure you use raw honey. Look up the differenec between raw and pure which isn't pure at all. There are so many health reasons to use Raw honey and I just leaned all of this so tomorrow I have to find a place that sells Raw honey and will let you know in one month how it has affected me. Go People, go find your honey LOL

Victoria Mish, Mike Mish

      Americans who moved to another country, Costa Rica to be specific, this former fire fighter took his American made pension, American wife and children who did live in California to Marbella Costa Rica. Mike Mish' cousin moved there and while I don't know anything about him , by appearances it looks like his wife may be from Costa Rica and maybe that's one reason to settle there. His cousin is also in Real Estate there.
      Life is hard enough but for Mike Mish to say the kids have things here they can't have in the states such as learning another language,a different culture, riding dirt bikes and learning to surf; We have all of that and more. But what was stated on the HGTV show was that this family lost their home due to the housing market in California. The little they show, appears the family to be happy and settled in. That's all we ever want, happiness, good health and prosperity.
       While Mike Mish says the culture is different, so is the law. With that I hope they never have to find out.
         Now here is my main reason for this little article. Mrs. Victoria Mish made the best sense of all. She should be in congress. Her statement was, we moved here and we have to learn their culture not the other way around. This is pretty close to what she said. A woman who understands perfectly when you come to someone Else's country, you learn their culture. We shouldn't have to learn yours.
     I am sorry this family felt nothing in America would be good enough to rent at 1200. dollars a month-of course they wanted the climate & culture, to lean a new language, surf, ride dirt bikes, and to me that sounds like California, Florida, Arizona, or New Mexico. Good luck Americans in your new home or country...?

Living but Lost ?

       This morning I planned on going to church, but woke for a second time knowing I was too late today. Last week my car was still wedged in the snow and I so much wanted to go with a little kid.
Maybe yesterday was too much fun, not for me, but with kids and taking a friend along. Two teens and one close to teen years. We started out bowling.
      During the first game with all three I ordered Pizza and a pitched of soda, for me a chef salad-but that salad was awful. Maybe I should know better at a bowling alley but I had one before and it was great. Now a second game come up with three players, and this time it's times for cookies and muffins. Third game, this time it's nachos and cheese. Now it really isn't a third game, it a third game for each player. Fourth game the guest asks so what are we eating now? During the fourth game one of the boys had an outburst, so we let one kid play for him. Two more games to go without the third boy and they all played in the arcade before bowling.
    Also during bowling we had a group come in next to us who I was very familiar with. One guest asked if I had more pizza. I ordered two pizza's and two pitchers of soda for them. But, and now here it comes, I spent so much time looking around to see if I could tell who is happy, who is really living. Can you tell that in a bowling alley? I watched faces, people chatting with one another, high fives ,    and a guy next to us who drank a pitcher of beer. He was talking to himself a lot. A good looking young man he had two guests with him, a boy about ten and another kid about seventeen. That last guest looked miserable the whole time. The little boy didn't have any imitation of happiness or sadness on his face, just the guy drinking beer.
    So are we living but lost? Do we have things that make us happy for moments, but not living even in those moments but thinking about what we can do or get next? What does it take to really live a life? I honestly don't have an exact answer but do think spirituality comes into it as well as getting out and doing for others. I believe you also have to have at least one passion, something you want to do every day that satisfies an inner piece in you which brings you inner peace. Okay now go, search and find, and live.
P.S. Don't Get Lost :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jeanette, Where Are You ?

       You lived in Brooklyn NY when we were kids, I think on 60th st. and 4th ave. with your mom.
Jeanette Wiggins was your name at the time and you were such an awesome person. Jeanette you were not just so very smart but you were nice, good and a wonderful friend. I loved how you played a game about guns on your hips, and I can almost hear the rhyme. I know when I sign off here I'll remember it something about two guns. You would play it out as if you really wore a set of guns.
     Jeanette I know "something" came up and knew what it was and you moved. Nothing ever mattered to me except the wonderful person you were, with your hair in a pony tail, those a-line poodle type skirts and a smile that made people feel good and welcomed. If I remember right you also had green eyes. One time I met you with your mom on 4th avennue while I was out. Jeanette you put your arm around her shoulder, squeezed her and said this is my mom. We shook hands and I just remember I nenver saw such love as that day, the light in your eyes when you talked about how great your mom is. I miss that friend I knew as a kid. No one ever came close. Hope to hear from you. E mail is I know it now-
I like the wide open spaces out where the cactus grow
where two guns beat four aces, I like the wide open spaces-you acted that out at least once a week, so maybe you moved to where the cactus grow?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Huff POst response Egg Killer

      I just read a response from a guy about killing the fifteen year old who took part in egging a mans house, TP'ing and something else. This responder said something to the effect that if he did that as a kid his dad would be waiting with a belt ! What a great response. In my opinion ever since laws chnaged so much that we can't even spank a kid, as it may be seen as too harsh, invasive and as parents a kids knows and threatens to do, will have Childrens services on their backs. Sure there are many ways to discipline, but more kids were worried so much about "getting it" a spanking, a smack in the face ot the belt, that, that alone stopped us from wrong doing.
    But the government knew better and so what do we now have? Generations of kids gone out of control. No one knows what that man may have happened to his house or him before-yet. Either way I have 4 questions,
   # 1 what is a fifteen year old girl doing out at one in the morning riding around in a car egging homes and who knows what else?
     #2-how would that man have any idea that just maybe someone wasn't breaking into his home to do bodily harm?
       #3 who are the other kids?
      #4 did they specifically target this man and if so why?

  On another note-he could have shot the tires out and called the police. So now there is a child, dead,  a family with unbearable grief and a man going to prison at taxpayers expense. EXPENSE?
All because a child was out at one in the morning.
All because a man thought he could get away with shooting blindly into a car.
All because a curfew either wasn't set or disobeyed.
An unbearable EXPENSE

Gunning 4 Kids & RESPECT

       I just read another title about a guy who gunned kids who egged his car. First I am not at all for gunning down kids. Along with the guy who just killed a kid because he didn't like the loud music, than man has a history of violence and now, or by now new jurors will know and he needs to get life or the death sentence,  Just like the guy who got off before, using stand your ground as a defense-what the blank is the matter with our justice system? That man was told to stop by the police and he disobeyed the law so how does he get to walk away.
     All of this come down to one word in our country RESPECT. You know that word
                                                   R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!!
When our country, the system in our country started a long time ago allowing adults and kids alike to get away with things, welfare,+ no respect, drooping/sagging pants=no respect, kids swearing at adults=no respect=rap music=no respect=guys grabbing what little they have between their legs=no respect, and our country for so long letting, and I did say LETTING drugs come into our country, because it's a business. It keeps drug enforcement people at work, drug counselors, rehab centers and money, money, money just keeps passing through hands. We have the CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA  and many more who continue to let kids die because they let drugs pass through our borders. They continue to use drug sniffing dogs for what? Every car that has to pass through a toll should go through some kind of detector to check for drugs-Those on welfare need to be spot checked, anyone receiving public aid should be spot checked
                                   Our country is losing it's own self respect
We have special classes for kids who are trouble makers and special school for the same kinds of kids so we pay extra taxes and yet those same kids get away with damage to schools, fighting, swearing at teachers and parents because "they have problems" so we coddle them, excuse them, give them chance after chance to see clinicians, to correct behaviors and yet they still do as they please. They get warnings, change behavior a day or two, maybe even a week, but it is never enough. They want what they want and when they want it. Where and when did the adults lose their rights and children gain them? No RESPECT-how does a parent, a teacher,a JUDGE respect them selves when they know, they freakin know their kids are running them and people are getting tired of it.
     So what's the answer? Adults who vote have to sign for stronger laws, know who they are voting for and look closely at the system. How many parents lose their kids to the system because they refuse to parent and the system, taxpayers pay, so in cases like that the non parents/s have to know any Money they earn will be attached for the rest of the child's life. There has to be curfews, and electronics? WHY do ten year olds have phones? What do you think they'll be doing when they're sixteen? Stop the foolishness. What did we do before all of the electronics. Kids now think all they need to do is sit on butts and play games, a babysitter. Parents you have to find another way.
    Okay even I am getting tired of this, writing that is. RESPECT< RESPECT_RESPECT ! It starts at HOME WITH YOU.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Preachers, Stop SCREAMING !!!!

        What is it about some preachers, mainly as I hear them on TV that they feel they just have to scream in a horse voice, yelling, screaming as if we can't hear them? Is it cultural? I do see more Black preachers who are screaming, but I have seen as many white preachers screaming? So are we supposed to become better in our spiritual walk because they scream?
        Right Now I have Td Jakes on and just too lazy to get up and change it. I like him when he's sitting down talking. But preaching ? Nope I do not need a man yelling at me, whatever his reason may be, however he justifies it. There is another black preacher I really do like, Fred Price. He talks to people, he preaches and gives lessons, much like Charles Stanley. I have heard Pastor Prices son preach and just not the same. One day he was yelling and yup, I changed the channel.
       We do not need people yelling at us to hear. I'll take Fred Price over Jakes any day. Maybe this puts more in the collection plate, wakes people up who need to or want to be screamed at, but is this part of a certain type of TV preaching? Put on a show, become an actor...and then get paid.
       There was a little round fat white guy who yelled when he preached, wore a come over....Morris Cerullo. I enjoyed his show for a while when he talked but stand up and preach/yell, you can keep that. Then we had Jimmy Swaggart, fake crier, Jimmy Bakker, well we know what happened to him, but he has made a comeback and seems humbled by his sins, or by being caught.
        I know of  local pastor who has that something that makes you want to listen. He can reach a sermon as if he's telling a story and his stage presence is perfect. We all know preachers have to have a hook, just like any other business. His hook is that he makes it feel each and every time that he is not just to preach at you but to teach to you.
        As a kid I met Billy Graham and besides my youth pastor, Pastor Don Smestad, Billy Graham changed a part of me inside which kept my eye on what's right, doing right and doing what a person can do help another. You don't have to have money to help, all you need is an ear, a hand, a cup of tea or coffee. Think about this when you think about tithing , give to your local church, not TV. You have a realistic idea about where your money is going when you give to a local church and if you don't go physically, mail it in. Sundays isn't for everyone. We are all different, work different hours, have different needs or are retired, or other responsibilities. Every dollar helps, just keep it local.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Adoption Law=USA

       Let's get one thing out of the way. I am all for adoption. Why though do so many people go to other countries to adopt babies? Because they are babies and it seems it's a popular thing to do when you have the money or celebrity to do just that.
       I deeply believe people should have to adopt in the country where they have their citizenship. If you live in the USA, You should have to adopt here. Here is at least one big reason why people want babies: they don't have the past baggage that most kids have who are over four to six years old. They think if they adopt a cute new, or almost new baby they won't face the same problems if they adopted an older child. Many times they won't because they are building  foundations of : security,  wealth, family connections, stability and belonging as well as and just as important a choice of better medical care.
       Adopting an older child you get a medical card which leaves you with few choices, and you get all of his or her emotions which include such unimaginable diagnosis that make people run. There are any who adopt to take on that challenge and many kids return to foster care, sadly. They simply cannot trust and or attach. Adoptive parents do get a stipend. I met a teenager who said she asked her adoptive mom about that as she felt mom wasn't spending money on clothes that she needed. She walked into a laundromat, slid down to the floor and started writing. Sure she could have given me  a one sided story, except I heard it too many times and have seen it too. This isn't to say all adoptive parents treat their kids this way. Many kids get close to teenage years and decided to rebel, think I'll see how much they really love me and do their best to destroy the family relationship. Well her mom said she doesn't get any money for her, but her adoptive sister got the mail one day and saw mom had a check from a place unfamiliar and that girl opened it. There was specific words and she knew it was for adoption.
    I think a law should be enacted to adopt only in your own country as we are sending a message to further add to the feeling, our kids just are not good enough. I know you may be thinking, how come I don't adopt or did I? No, but I am way too old to adopt. IT does take special people to adopt a child, and I don't mean a cute new baby who is obviously from another country. When you adopt, services are included to get help when needed, even respites to get a needed break at times. Many, many kids do great with adoption, so check out SWAN an adoption network. Good Luck-oh by the way, we send our products to other countries, we buy foreign products every day. So at the very least, bring home an American child, a child raised in America, a child who has American citizenship.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bridge FinancingXtra30 days

       Buying a new home, and your new place isn't ready yet. Before you seal any deal see your lender and ask about Bridge Financing. Many times a buyer signs on the dotted line when you least expect it and you need to move asap, but not enough time so check out Bridge Financing. I just learned about this term so go and ask, find out for yourself. Take the word of an expert. Good Luck.

Jill Zarin, Bobby Zarin

     What a classy couple ! I know you hoped I knew something trashy. Well if I did, I would not put it out here or anywhere. Life is hard enough without rumors.So why Jill Zarin? Well I used to watch The housewives of New York and that was purely accidental as I didn't have cable so I think what I was seeing were reruns. I have cable now and don't like it.(maybe it's because it's comcast) It seems almost everything is a same show with different people. Also too many cartoons shows even though my kiddos would love to watch them. Then all of these building, cooking and detective shows, too much, and the commercials are beyond belief! I'd rather go back to my old antenna TV and will, once I get to watch up to date NJ housewives.

     Okay , back to Jill Zarin and hubby Bobby Zarin. My daughter who first told me about the Jersey housewives said in disbelief, mom you haven't seen them!!! Then remember how cheap I was not to waste money on cable. Then she went on about Jill Zarin from NY housewives and how much she loved her, her clothes, her husbands store, her dog and on and on.
     It wasn't long after I see what looks like some housewives show and there she was Jill Zarin, Long Island, New York, fashion, food, class, dinners, events and a life I, at times wished for when I was younger, much younger. Growing up and living in Brooklyn I did go to LI quite often as an aunt lived there. Married I was in New York and the night life a lot, but I never really enjoyed it until I was single and on my own with my own kids. Now here she comes into my living room, kids on their own and me eating chips and munchies as I watch NY housewives and the star, Jill Zarin.
       I like Jill because she remained more calm and sane than anyone else, as well as her hubby Bobby Zarin. They did things, said things with class and yes I know not every time, but a heck of a lot more than anyone else on the show. I won't even mention anyone else's name because when Jill was unfairly fired, I stopped watching all together. Now, I am a New Yorker, but I won't watch that show again. I think they got wind of her notice to leave so they just wanted to beat her to it-dirty dogs. But all in all Jill Zarin didn't need them, because she-is one classy lady!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welfare, Financial Education $$$$ Receipients

       Maybe others have thought of this before but I never heard it until tonight. I have heard about a back to work program, free college, drug testing, free babysitting, free bus tickets and repeating the family welfare cycle but never anything about teaching people on welfare how to manage money.
        Many, many of us could use that but who better than those who rely on public assistance to receive training on financial education ? My son's wife came up with this. Great going Kelly ! A young working woman now with two boys and a stay at home hubby, also part-time photographer, does very well with financial management considering all unexpected things life gives and takes to and with us all :

  • she uses what she has for sometimes more than one purpose, recycles
  • consignment shops
  • buys gently used
  • exchanges and welcomes new ideas
  • sews - a very good help
  • has a circle of supportive friends
  • a great husband-and I know many are single, so use a man in your home church, home town, a friends husband, for small repairs
  • join a church
  • stay in the community where you can give, share and receive help
  • start or be part of community gardening
  • pray
These are just a few things that come to mind in addition to a better suggestion from Kelly that those on Welfare should receive financial training so the next time you shop, before that you will have made a meal plan, one that is nutritious, then a list from that plan and your money will be well spent. The next time you plan on shopping for kids clothes, check out friends to exchange with, Church stores offer free kids clothes, as well as the Salvation Army and craigslist.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Schools & The Teachers Within

       With so many disorders with children how do we know who is telling us correctly or not? I know a child who is labeled autism because the doctor wasn't sure what to put down. He isn't retarded, but he is developmentally delayed by about five years and he does have serious anger issues to the point of property destruction. Of course he's not afraid to destroy things because adults are not allowed to hand out a good old fashioned spanking. Seriously neglected and very small for his age he is such a sweet kid-until. Until he refuses to do what's told such as work in school, so how do we handle these kinds of children who by the age of fourteen are so much out of control, they graduate to throwing desks and chairs, cursing at teachers, walking out of classrooms to play their games.
         School and the teachers within take so much crap from these kids and they get together too just as we adults do to see what works and what doesn't, but with the kids, it's more about, how much can I get away with before I'm transferred or have to move and lose friends? So with all of the labels they have, how is it they are smart enough to know just how far to push? Because the labels are BS!!!
   Those type of kids will not push just anyone around and cross boundaries, but only the adults they know well, such as teachers and parents because they are also cowards. They know if they pull the same crap with a male stranger, that guy will put him against a wall and smack his cowardly face into oblivion.
    So what do we do when they are so young, really young and start out causing problems in school ? You give them problems at home. You lean hard on them, as hard as you can without making yourself sick. Take away toys, no video games at all until the school year ends. No treats, no outings and yes I know this punishes the parent too and anyone else who lives in the house, but the child has to grasp at some point, NO excuses for bad behavior. I'll close with that.

Fantastic Shoes, Wear from The Inside out

 Yup, uh huh, just eat at SUBWAY and ya never have to buy a pair of shoes again. Eat their rubber filled bread and start walking :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bible Verse

By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible: "The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
But the heart of the fool to the left."
10:2 (NIV)
Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen.
Can't get any simpler than that.
Spelling Lesson The last four letters in American..........I Can
The last four letters in Republican........I Can
The last four letters in Democrats.........Rats
End of lesson. Test to follow on November 6, 2014 Remember, November is to be set aside as rodent removal

Monday, February 3, 2014

AMERICAN PEPSI or that other one

       Okay I have to say, in my own opinion of course. After reading how Coke for Superbowl added so many languages to their ads, well I always knew anyway Pepsi is my choice of cola beverages. But come on people, at the Superbowl ? I know we have so many cultures which makes this a great nation, but as a great nation who continues to welcome other cultures, we should not have to change our language to suit others. One Nation Under God. One Nation, One language.
       I grew up listening to my mother speak Norwegian many times and ladies in church doing the same along with some men. But They also had to know English as they came here! We didn't go there ! I want to go to Norway some day but I better learn something before I go or I know it won't be pleasant as others talk in their national tongue and that's my fault.

     PEPSI You were born with True Colors, RED WHITE and BLUE. If You need a cola soda, DRINK AMERICAN ! Have a PEPSI and a smile! You'll also know what people are singing in America.
 On a smaller note, coke is mostly red. My own opinion of course :)

Benny Hinn & Dr. Joel Wallach

     I'm not sure who the crook here. How does Benny Hinn support this quackery? This so called doctor is a vet, an animal doctor. I just looked up his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" and came across an expose' and how this young man was thrown out of Wallach meetings for asking genuine questions.
    Hinn has been accused many times for his dramatic way of healing. I guess making millions does not come with a conscience for many people including Hinn and Wallach.
   Wallach claims to have seen thousands healed from cancer using his model of supplements, vitamins and eating beef medium rare. I don't know which is really true or not, but my instinct is both are full of baloney. These people are TV quacks in my opinion. Please check out Wallach and his claims and the expose' I do know one thing, Benny Hinn has the people, the resources to check out a person like Wallach, so did he or didn't he and if not why not ?
   Here's why. Sensationalism, news worthy and mainly it all comes down to money!!! Oh in the expose' article it talks about how Wallach's audience consists of the elderly, desperate and sickly. Now that tell you a lot. Educators are not  there, other real ministers are not there, real doctors are not there and I don't remember, but I never heard of any animals being there either. Maybe he gets an F in vet meds. So how will he help people? LYING

Creflo Dollar More to this Dr. ? Minister

       I just tuned in today, this morning to his show, and yes a show it is. But I was intrigues until I really watched his face, almost cocky about how he explains things-yet he was very clear and is a good teacher. Why though are there pictures larger than life in back of him on TV ?
        So I did listen until to end and found out this is an evening show. Not a problem there. But I still wanted to know more and so I looked him up on line. Why is this man hiding what he EARNS when a church is a non-profit ?
     He has two homes, one he sold for over a million dollars profit with his New York Home. The other is priced at 2.5 million, owns 2 Rolls Royces and who knows what else-Hey look closely at his wedding band. Remember Jim Bakker?
     He had to take anger management classes due to restraining is fifteen year old daughter. Just my opinion, but a closer look as to where you are putting your money when you are looking at preachers and people asking you to donate for a cause. Just my opinion-so check things out for yourself.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Unfounded Molester Woody Allen

     Are these big shots crazy? All about money in Hollywood, even Ron Howard has stood beside Woody Allen as well as so many others in Hollywood, and each time I see anyone connected to this molester of children I make sure to not watch old and new TV shows as well as movies with anyone attached to old man ALLEN PEVERT.
   When Allen married his nineteen year old step-daughter everyone should have seen the light. This old man is and was a pervert. Yet at the recent Golden Globes some old goat said all of this especially with his adopted seven year old Dylan Farrow, the molestation was unfounded. WTF !!!
   UNFOUNDED ? That means in a nutshell he did it as all pervert do, in private. Are people really that stupid? No, they don't want to know because it will cost money!!! So they choose to use words like unfounded.
    How many pedophiles do you know who advertise to the newspapers and say, hey look, I'm going to molest my child this weekend or tonight or when mom isn't looking ? and most mothers know too. It's easier to stay, not go out to work, let your kid pay for your bills by being molested. Dylan Farrow, I and many others believe you! Woody Allen is a disgusting old perverted pig, now and always has been. Hollywood and all those men and women who stood and have stood beside him in this send two messages-one it's all about money and two they are probably doing the same thing. EVIL STANDS NEXT TO EVIL !

   Oh two more adopted daughters ? Who is watching them, the old wife/step daughter, soon yi, like she cares or pervert Woody Allen-how much did he pay to get new children to molest?