Sunday, February 23, 2014

Living but Lost ?

       This morning I planned on going to church, but woke for a second time knowing I was too late today. Last week my car was still wedged in the snow and I so much wanted to go with a little kid.
Maybe yesterday was too much fun, not for me, but with kids and taking a friend along. Two teens and one close to teen years. We started out bowling.
      During the first game with all three I ordered Pizza and a pitched of soda, for me a chef salad-but that salad was awful. Maybe I should know better at a bowling alley but I had one before and it was great. Now a second game come up with three players, and this time it's times for cookies and muffins. Third game, this time it's nachos and cheese. Now it really isn't a third game, it a third game for each player. Fourth game the guest asks so what are we eating now? During the fourth game one of the boys had an outburst, so we let one kid play for him. Two more games to go without the third boy and they all played in the arcade before bowling.
    Also during bowling we had a group come in next to us who I was very familiar with. One guest asked if I had more pizza. I ordered two pizza's and two pitchers of soda for them. But, and now here it comes, I spent so much time looking around to see if I could tell who is happy, who is really living. Can you tell that in a bowling alley? I watched faces, people chatting with one another, high fives ,    and a guy next to us who drank a pitcher of beer. He was talking to himself a lot. A good looking young man he had two guests with him, a boy about ten and another kid about seventeen. That last guest looked miserable the whole time. The little boy didn't have any imitation of happiness or sadness on his face, just the guy drinking beer.
    So are we living but lost? Do we have things that make us happy for moments, but not living even in those moments but thinking about what we can do or get next? What does it take to really live a life? I honestly don't have an exact answer but do think spirituality comes into it as well as getting out and doing for others. I believe you also have to have at least one passion, something you want to do every day that satisfies an inner piece in you which brings you inner peace. Okay now go, search and find, and live.
P.S. Don't Get Lost :)

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