Monday, February 3, 2014

AMERICAN PEPSI or that other one

       Okay I have to say, in my own opinion of course. After reading how Coke for Superbowl added so many languages to their ads, well I always knew anyway Pepsi is my choice of cola beverages. But come on people, at the Superbowl ? I know we have so many cultures which makes this a great nation, but as a great nation who continues to welcome other cultures, we should not have to change our language to suit others. One Nation Under God. One Nation, One language.
       I grew up listening to my mother speak Norwegian many times and ladies in church doing the same along with some men. But They also had to know English as they came here! We didn't go there ! I want to go to Norway some day but I better learn something before I go or I know it won't be pleasant as others talk in their national tongue and that's my fault.

     PEPSI You were born with True Colors, RED WHITE and BLUE. If You need a cola soda, DRINK AMERICAN ! Have a PEPSI and a smile! You'll also know what people are singing in America.
 On a smaller note, coke is mostly red. My own opinion of course :)

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