Sunday, February 2, 2014

Unfounded Molester Woody Allen

     Are these big shots crazy? All about money in Hollywood, even Ron Howard has stood beside Woody Allen as well as so many others in Hollywood, and each time I see anyone connected to this molester of children I make sure to not watch old and new TV shows as well as movies with anyone attached to old man ALLEN PEVERT.
   When Allen married his nineteen year old step-daughter everyone should have seen the light. This old man is and was a pervert. Yet at the recent Golden Globes some old goat said all of this especially with his adopted seven year old Dylan Farrow, the molestation was unfounded. WTF !!!
   UNFOUNDED ? That means in a nutshell he did it as all pervert do, in private. Are people really that stupid? No, they don't want to know because it will cost money!!! So they choose to use words like unfounded.
    How many pedophiles do you know who advertise to the newspapers and say, hey look, I'm going to molest my child this weekend or tonight or when mom isn't looking ? and most mothers know too. It's easier to stay, not go out to work, let your kid pay for your bills by being molested. Dylan Farrow, I and many others believe you! Woody Allen is a disgusting old perverted pig, now and always has been. Hollywood and all those men and women who stood and have stood beside him in this send two messages-one it's all about money and two they are probably doing the same thing. EVIL STANDS NEXT TO EVIL !

   Oh two more adopted daughters ? Who is watching them, the old wife/step daughter, soon yi, like she cares or pervert Woody Allen-how much did he pay to get new children to molest?

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