Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Gunning 4 Kids & RESPECT

       I just read another title about a guy who gunned kids who egged his car. First I am not at all for gunning down kids. Along with the guy who just killed a kid because he didn't like the loud music, than man has a history of violence and now, or by now new jurors will know and he needs to get life or the death sentence,  Just like the guy who got off before, using stand your ground as a defense-what the blank is the matter with our justice system? That man was told to stop by the police and he disobeyed the law so how does he get to walk away.
     All of this come down to one word in our country RESPECT. You know that word
                                                   R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!!
When our country, the system in our country started a long time ago allowing adults and kids alike to get away with things, welfare,+ no respect, drooping/sagging pants=no respect, kids swearing at adults=no respect=rap music=no respect=guys grabbing what little they have between their legs=no respect, and our country for so long letting, and I did say LETTING drugs come into our country, because it's a business. It keeps drug enforcement people at work, drug counselors, rehab centers and money, money, money just keeps passing through hands. We have the CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA  and many more who continue to let kids die because they let drugs pass through our borders. They continue to use drug sniffing dogs for what? Every car that has to pass through a toll should go through some kind of detector to check for drugs-Those on welfare need to be spot checked, anyone receiving public aid should be spot checked
                                   Our country is losing it's own self respect
We have special classes for kids who are trouble makers and special school for the same kinds of kids so we pay extra taxes and yet those same kids get away with damage to schools, fighting, swearing at teachers and parents because "they have problems" so we coddle them, excuse them, give them chance after chance to see clinicians, to correct behaviors and yet they still do as they please. They get warnings, change behavior a day or two, maybe even a week, but it is never enough. They want what they want and when they want it. Where and when did the adults lose their rights and children gain them? No RESPECT-how does a parent, a teacher,a JUDGE respect them selves when they know, they freakin know their kids are running them and people are getting tired of it.
     So what's the answer? Adults who vote have to sign for stronger laws, know who they are voting for and look closely at the system. How many parents lose their kids to the system because they refuse to parent and the system, taxpayers pay, so in cases like that the non parents/s have to know any Money they earn will be attached for the rest of the child's life. There has to be curfews, and electronics? WHY do ten year olds have phones? What do you think they'll be doing when they're sixteen? Stop the foolishness. What did we do before all of the electronics. Kids now think all they need to do is sit on butts and play games, a babysitter. Parents you have to find another way.
    Okay even I am getting tired of this, writing that is. RESPECT< RESPECT_RESPECT ! It starts at HOME WITH YOU.

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