Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Schools & The Teachers Within

       With so many disorders with children how do we know who is telling us correctly or not? I know a child who is labeled autism because the doctor wasn't sure what to put down. He isn't retarded, but he is developmentally delayed by about five years and he does have serious anger issues to the point of property destruction. Of course he's not afraid to destroy things because adults are not allowed to hand out a good old fashioned spanking. Seriously neglected and very small for his age he is such a sweet kid-until. Until he refuses to do what's told such as work in school, so how do we handle these kinds of children who by the age of fourteen are so much out of control, they graduate to throwing desks and chairs, cursing at teachers, walking out of classrooms to play their games.
         School and the teachers within take so much crap from these kids and they get together too just as we adults do to see what works and what doesn't, but with the kids, it's more about, how much can I get away with before I'm transferred or have to move and lose friends? So with all of the labels they have, how is it they are smart enough to know just how far to push? Because the labels are BS!!!
   Those type of kids will not push just anyone around and cross boundaries, but only the adults they know well, such as teachers and parents because they are also cowards. They know if they pull the same crap with a male stranger, that guy will put him against a wall and smack his cowardly face into oblivion.
    So what do we do when they are so young, really young and start out causing problems in school ? You give them problems at home. You lean hard on them, as hard as you can without making yourself sick. Take away toys, no video games at all until the school year ends. No treats, no outings and yes I know this punishes the parent too and anyone else who lives in the house, but the child has to grasp at some point, NO excuses for bad behavior. I'll close with that.

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