Saturday, February 15, 2014

Adoption Law=USA

       Let's get one thing out of the way. I am all for adoption. Why though do so many people go to other countries to adopt babies? Because they are babies and it seems it's a popular thing to do when you have the money or celebrity to do just that.
       I deeply believe people should have to adopt in the country where they have their citizenship. If you live in the USA, You should have to adopt here. Here is at least one big reason why people want babies: they don't have the past baggage that most kids have who are over four to six years old. They think if they adopt a cute new, or almost new baby they won't face the same problems if they adopted an older child. Many times they won't because they are building  foundations of : security,  wealth, family connections, stability and belonging as well as and just as important a choice of better medical care.
       Adopting an older child you get a medical card which leaves you with few choices, and you get all of his or her emotions which include such unimaginable diagnosis that make people run. There are any who adopt to take on that challenge and many kids return to foster care, sadly. They simply cannot trust and or attach. Adoptive parents do get a stipend. I met a teenager who said she asked her adoptive mom about that as she felt mom wasn't spending money on clothes that she needed. She walked into a laundromat, slid down to the floor and started writing. Sure she could have given me  a one sided story, except I heard it too many times and have seen it too. This isn't to say all adoptive parents treat their kids this way. Many kids get close to teenage years and decided to rebel, think I'll see how much they really love me and do their best to destroy the family relationship. Well her mom said she doesn't get any money for her, but her adoptive sister got the mail one day and saw mom had a check from a place unfamiliar and that girl opened it. There was specific words and she knew it was for adoption.
    I think a law should be enacted to adopt only in your own country as we are sending a message to further add to the feeling, our kids just are not good enough. I know you may be thinking, how come I don't adopt or did I? No, but I am way too old to adopt. IT does take special people to adopt a child, and I don't mean a cute new baby who is obviously from another country. When you adopt, services are included to get help when needed, even respites to get a needed break at times. Many, many kids do great with adoption, so check out SWAN an adoption network. Good Luck-oh by the way, we send our products to other countries, we buy foreign products every day. So at the very least, bring home an American child, a child raised in America, a child who has American citizenship.

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