Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Huff POst response Egg Killer

      I just read a response from a guy about killing the fifteen year old who took part in egging a mans house, TP'ing and something else. This responder said something to the effect that if he did that as a kid his dad would be waiting with a belt ! What a great response. In my opinion ever since laws chnaged so much that we can't even spank a kid, as it may be seen as too harsh, invasive and as parents a kids knows and threatens to do, will have Childrens services on their backs. Sure there are many ways to discipline, but more kids were worried so much about "getting it" a spanking, a smack in the face ot the belt, that, that alone stopped us from wrong doing.
    But the government knew better and so what do we now have? Generations of kids gone out of control. No one knows what that man may have happened to his house or him before-yet. Either way I have 4 questions,
   # 1 what is a fifteen year old girl doing out at one in the morning riding around in a car egging homes and who knows what else?
     #2-how would that man have any idea that just maybe someone wasn't breaking into his home to do bodily harm?
       #3 who are the other kids?
      #4 did they specifically target this man and if so why?

  On another note-he could have shot the tires out and called the police. So now there is a child, dead,  a family with unbearable grief and a man going to prison at taxpayers expense. EXPENSE?
All because a child was out at one in the morning.
All because a man thought he could get away with shooting blindly into a car.
All because a curfew either wasn't set or disobeyed.
An unbearable EXPENSE

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