Sunday, February 23, 2014

Victoria Mish, Mike Mish

      Americans who moved to another country, Costa Rica to be specific, this former fire fighter took his American made pension, American wife and children who did live in California to Marbella Costa Rica. Mike Mish' cousin moved there and while I don't know anything about him , by appearances it looks like his wife may be from Costa Rica and maybe that's one reason to settle there. His cousin is also in Real Estate there.
      Life is hard enough but for Mike Mish to say the kids have things here they can't have in the states such as learning another language,a different culture, riding dirt bikes and learning to surf; We have all of that and more. But what was stated on the HGTV show was that this family lost their home due to the housing market in California. The little they show, appears the family to be happy and settled in. That's all we ever want, happiness, good health and prosperity.
       While Mike Mish says the culture is different, so is the law. With that I hope they never have to find out.
         Now here is my main reason for this little article. Mrs. Victoria Mish made the best sense of all. She should be in congress. Her statement was, we moved here and we have to learn their culture not the other way around. This is pretty close to what she said. A woman who understands perfectly when you come to someone Else's country, you learn their culture. We shouldn't have to learn yours.
     I am sorry this family felt nothing in America would be good enough to rent at 1200. dollars a month-of course they wanted the climate & culture, to lean a new language, surf, ride dirt bikes, and to me that sounds like California, Florida, Arizona, or New Mexico. Good luck Americans in your new home or country...?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,This is Victoria Mish...I just saw this tonight while my son Joseph and I had Googled us...thank you for this ...we are still here in Marbella Costa Rica,we have made many Tico friends that are teaching us Spanish and showing us their culture...we feel very blessed to be having this experience..not sure how long we will be here..we do miss our family in the states...hoping to see them soon.Take Care and Pura Vida Victoria an
