Monday, February 3, 2014

Benny Hinn & Dr. Joel Wallach

     I'm not sure who the crook here. How does Benny Hinn support this quackery? This so called doctor is a vet, an animal doctor. I just looked up his "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" and came across an expose' and how this young man was thrown out of Wallach meetings for asking genuine questions.
    Hinn has been accused many times for his dramatic way of healing. I guess making millions does not come with a conscience for many people including Hinn and Wallach.
   Wallach claims to have seen thousands healed from cancer using his model of supplements, vitamins and eating beef medium rare. I don't know which is really true or not, but my instinct is both are full of baloney. These people are TV quacks in my opinion. Please check out Wallach and his claims and the expose' I do know one thing, Benny Hinn has the people, the resources to check out a person like Wallach, so did he or didn't he and if not why not ?
   Here's why. Sensationalism, news worthy and mainly it all comes down to money!!! Oh in the expose' article it talks about how Wallach's audience consists of the elderly, desperate and sickly. Now that tell you a lot. Educators are not  there, other real ministers are not there, real doctors are not there and I don't remember, but I never heard of any animals being there either. Maybe he gets an F in vet meds. So how will he help people? LYING

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