Monday, February 17, 2014

Preachers, Stop SCREAMING !!!!

        What is it about some preachers, mainly as I hear them on TV that they feel they just have to scream in a horse voice, yelling, screaming as if we can't hear them? Is it cultural? I do see more Black preachers who are screaming, but I have seen as many white preachers screaming? So are we supposed to become better in our spiritual walk because they scream?
        Right Now I have Td Jakes on and just too lazy to get up and change it. I like him when he's sitting down talking. But preaching ? Nope I do not need a man yelling at me, whatever his reason may be, however he justifies it. There is another black preacher I really do like, Fred Price. He talks to people, he preaches and gives lessons, much like Charles Stanley. I have heard Pastor Prices son preach and just not the same. One day he was yelling and yup, I changed the channel.
       We do not need people yelling at us to hear. I'll take Fred Price over Jakes any day. Maybe this puts more in the collection plate, wakes people up who need to or want to be screamed at, but is this part of a certain type of TV preaching? Put on a show, become an actor...and then get paid.
       There was a little round fat white guy who yelled when he preached, wore a come over....Morris Cerullo. I enjoyed his show for a while when he talked but stand up and preach/yell, you can keep that. Then we had Jimmy Swaggart, fake crier, Jimmy Bakker, well we know what happened to him, but he has made a comeback and seems humbled by his sins, or by being caught.
        I know of  local pastor who has that something that makes you want to listen. He can reach a sermon as if he's telling a story and his stage presence is perfect. We all know preachers have to have a hook, just like any other business. His hook is that he makes it feel each and every time that he is not just to preach at you but to teach to you.
        As a kid I met Billy Graham and besides my youth pastor, Pastor Don Smestad, Billy Graham changed a part of me inside which kept my eye on what's right, doing right and doing what a person can do help another. You don't have to have money to help, all you need is an ear, a hand, a cup of tea or coffee. Think about this when you think about tithing , give to your local church, not TV. You have a realistic idea about where your money is going when you give to a local church and if you don't go physically, mail it in. Sundays isn't for everyone. We are all different, work different hours, have different needs or are retired, or other responsibilities. Every dollar helps, just keep it local.

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