Sunday, November 27, 2011

Unsolicited Mail-You're getting it back! See Bottom

       People come on, let's stick together. Let's send it back. Either write on it asap, return to sender/sender unknown, or pack it all up in one envelope and once a month send it to one of those annoying ad companies that send to you. I know, I know, all ya have to do is take your name off a list. Well I am trying, but in the meantime, I continue to get mail from places I never even heard of, and they are getting it back!
      The poor mail carriers have to carry all that junk. As "they" say, they're outta be a law. Companies should only be allowed to send to those who they do business with, and not more than one mailing a month. How many times, how many times I say do we have to get mail from a furniture store that says, year end closing, discounts, twenty-percent off after they raised it twenty-five percent, and then get this one...going out of business! So when you go in and ask when they're going out of business, its either, well when the lease is up  or, I think at the end of the year and its only January. Save your money, screw the sales, take yourself on a vacation and spend time with people you want to be with. You should even give it away before selling out to those greedy business owners.( not all) Look at where you can donate it before buying a new sofa:
   St. Jude's, The American Heart Aassociation, Cancer, Juvenile Diabetes, Juvenile Arthritis and so many more. Kids are hungry in America,  need health care, dental treatment and so much more, so before you buy into a year end sale, invest in a child.

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