Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beautyrest, what a Bed! Beautyrest for back and head!

         About a month ago I decided to stop in at a newer type mall and look at beds.
While I knew I need a bed it has to be just right for my aching back which needs a friend, as in a good bed. Have you looked at bedding prices lately? ooow weeee
It was enough to make me spit!
        I had a kid with me who went right to the hospital type beds, lay down and stayed there until I was ready to leave. In the back of the store I sat with a sales lady who introduced me to temperpedic. No thrill for me. I guess it's a matter of personal taste and besides they cost about four thousand dollars. yes, I said dollars, not jelly beans! I also just read for many people ya just get too hot laying on foam. So I looked around and told her how I found a bed I liked, the brand at least. I don't care for  Serta. It gave away to early, less cushion, and the comfortable part left is the ends. I tried sleeping on just the end one night and rolled out into the hall! Now that was a flop!
     So then I lay down on a Beautyrest and I said, ahhh take me away. Well that cost was twelve hundred and they have lay-a-way with some ten percent refund. Oh my heart was sinking fast. I knew I still couldn't take a chance and do that. Still I want to pass on what I said in a previous post, well it doesn't apply here. A bed is like a marriage-I think. You need to feel comfortable. It has to be the place that you just can't wait to get to and know it's going to be with you for  a very long time. Beautyrest is for me-when I can buy one.

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