Monday, November 21, 2011

Blogger ads and Comments-Practical and Whimsey

       It is 5.55 p.m. Eastern Standard time, and getting warmer instead of colder which brings me to ads all over. But first on a blogger site. I clicked an ad on my own site to see what it was like and what kind of an ad it was. It was really a good one. Can't tell ya what it was because it's almost competition. Okay truth now...I don't have any competition. I make makes but rarely sell any. A few days ago a young mom asked me about bringing my bags to her that she saw me showing someone and now wants to buy a few for gifts, that they're practical and whimsy.
       That was such a nice compliment, so yes I'll bring my bags to her. I have one made now just right for her little girl as a gift. But to go back to those ads that is how bloggers make a little extra, pennies for sure but extra, and leave comments, even, hey lady I didn't like what you wrote, or you are so wrong, and better yet, awww that was nice. More important about those bloggers ads, they are very interesting. Some products I haven't seen in any local stores, but I do make sure the products are American made, after all as Americans we are in enough trouble without buying products made overseas.
     So long for now, NP aka Doozybags my brand name

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