Wednesday, November 23, 2011

That Rushing Around We Do...Why

       Did ya really think I knew why you rush around? I don't even know why I rush around but seem to always rush. But this time of year until  that December day when it all comes to a din, we just do. Then we sit and say ahh.
       I thought about it today while at a small store and an older man asked the clerk, so where are you rushing off to this holiday season. She smiled and said, I don't have any rushing to do. I thought, well maybe she goes home to mom cooking and is able to relax after standing all day. Maybe she doesn't celebrate this holiday. Maybe maybe. Maybe she decided it isn't worth it. Either way this is only Thanksgiving, and the real rushing starts tomorrow or at midnight for some stores, so people, start you engines!  More in the next few days, I have to rush outta here.

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