Sunday, November 6, 2011

Norwegian Plaid Bag 17 x 19 Red, Blue and White Check

     This is a drawstring bag with ties made of the same material. I love plaids and will be making more this coming week. Since this is also a plaid blog I will be making plaids in the colors of tartans. This bag is lined in muslin and all triple stitched at a cost of  14.95 plush 2.50 S&H I try to keep shipping the same for everything no matter what, and have a doozybags site. In addition I am on as Doozybags and Viking328-the 328 comes from my first address in Brooklyn when the Norwegian ladies used to visit.
      I hope you enjoy my bags and look to purchase one, or two because they are made in America first, quality made and some what culturally .

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