Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zion-Gimme that Old Time Religion

       What's missing in today's churches? Really, I doubt anything, but I miss Zion, the church I grew up in, in Brooklyn, learned a lot in, and had some great people as examples for who I could try to be like or some part of. In church kids learn what they may not learn at home of in the neighborhood. I miss the music as much as what the church stood for. I know I sound like I'm repeating myself as in a few posts past, but what the heck, this is as good a topic as any to do that, after all it's my blog and I'll write what I want-nah, nah, nah nah nah:)
      Dressing up too is not really so much in the past as people now dress up too, but churches don't emphasize it as much. They just want bodies. Why? Okay I don't want to sound sarcastic, but I could if I were someone else. They want bodies because our world is so screwed up, not about money. It takes money to support the building, pay the pastors, support missions and all the stuff. You know what I mean, the stuff! Do we go like we should, no we don't.
      Again why? Well most would say we're too busy, need Sundays off, have to work, don't like this or that about a church, and besides can't we get a full tank on TV? Some would say, but you're not worshiping together as we're supposed to. But look at all the hand shaking! Who wants to shake all those hands. Have you gone into a bathroom at church and ya just know some guy didn't wash his hands. Okay some lady too, or sitting in front of you someone was wiping their nose, scratching their face, arm pit, and I have seen a guy nuzzling at his lady friends neck-yuck! One time i see a guy in shorts, wearing sandals and picking at his toe. Well that announcement, turn and welcome one another. NOOOO!!!
      Beside that welcome one another stuff usually ends right there. Sure it takes two, but if you're the visitor....need I say more. I know disillusioned. Maybe not, maybe it's just this time of year or situations. While we're all different, many feel as I do-sorry about that.
      One Sunday, which I'm sure was my last Sunday and I really enjoyed it, but a pastor stood at one point and told people to stand, men with men and women with women and pray together! WOW and oh no at the same time and how do I run, will I be noticed leaving? I felt my chest and face redden and pray like never before that no one would notice me as was pretty usual and as I liked it, so not complaining. When I arrived a little early I heard the senior pastor do the same thing, but thought nothing of it. I did think , hey that's pretty kool and it was going on and on, so people must have had a lot of needs. But I never thought I'd be caught in the same circle. So to go or not to go, that is the question. Well this week I have alone time and am enjoying that time. There isn't any such thing as just try out other churches when you know it's not them it's you. So if ya want Charles Stanley. No hand shaking, no contact, no group prayers, no doors to escape out of, but what's missing? That old time religion.
       That old time religion was just as good as todays' religion so let me know if you're going, then I'll go too-maybe. Never mind, don't tell me.

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