Thursday, November 3, 2011

May 17 and Brooklyn Norwegians

       It isn't the same, not anymore. Okay most things aren't the way they were, but why, why does it have to change so drastically and not for the better. This is a Norwegian day, for squareheads, our nickname. The last time I went to a parade in Brooklyn for May 17, it looked more like the United Nations,  but so does Brooklyn. It felt sad. Yet inspite of it all, I was still happy to be part of it, if only an observer.
       The best part was my daughter Jenny and I, with her friend all went to a local bar filled with Norwegians. I felt right at home. No, not because I was in a bar, although...but because I was surrounded by squareheads in those wonderful sweaters, the Norwegian dress, flags and even accents. I will make sure to continue this blog, and not stay away again for such a long time, after all, I am a Norwegian.

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