Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Twin Pines, York New Salem Pa. Keep It Here!

        This is a country store for sure, from the people, to the food, the outside picnic benches and community relations. I love going to this family owned American Business, and many times wish I had a larger family to buy for. Oh taste their home made broasted chicken and daily lunches!
        We're in the age of buying on-line or that big store that has closed down small American owned family businesses. I'm making this short this morning as I have some local errands to do, but I want you to think about this the next time you shop, and I do realize the shape our economy is in and we feel we have to save where ever we can, but...
         Every time you shop local markets the money stays here in the USA. Every time you purchase from a crafter who only sells home made products, you are keeping money in America, you are the reason America still strives and grows. You get my drift right?
    Let's talk Christmas, or any time you want to buy gifts. You may not like what I say next but I hope you take a heartfelt, and very deep look at how you spend your money. You may even have an attitude, oh sure easy for her to say, she can make things. So what and big deal. I am so poor at asking people to buy, now down to business.
     Our children are spoiled as we are. Instead of going to these big stores and buying what they see on TV, tell your kids out right, we are doing it different this year. We are helping American businesses. Can you Imagine if everyone bought only American? CAN YOU?
    There are older men and women who make toy trucks and cars, houses and more. They are on-line too. Look at all of the practical needs people have. FOOD!
     Buy gift certificates from your local markets like TWIN PINES and while I don't know if they sell them, ask! If not shop a basketful  of meats and bakery, oh so fresh! Now that is recycling AMERICA at it's best.
     We have American doll makers too and so much more. Check out local movie theaters, skating rinks, bowling alleys, a gym membership, LL bean boots=all American.
    Keep it here, Keep it local, Keep America as it once was. Keep our jobs home. Pick us up and help. Even our churches send money overseas and I understand the Christian spirit, but...well you know.
Keep it here. Keep that father who lost his sense of self because his job went overseas. Keep that mom who may have been the only support, and is now crafting to earn extra and maybe working as a fast food to support her family. Keep that couple who retired early and now working again because their money is overseas, lost due to greed. I see elderly people all the time working who thought they would be resting. Keep them in your thoughts when you shop. Keep them all. Shop Local Markets like Twin Pines.
    I wish I knew the names of everyone at TWIN PINES, but like you I am busy, who isn't? So can you imagine the time it takes to shop away from your area? You use more gas, stand in longer lines, clerks are less personal, help is scarce at those big stores, and stress is so much higher. While on line you're thinking why don't they hurry up? I ask why don't you shop close to home. Shop American most of all. Please keep your family, your friends, your neighbors in mind when you shop and support and shop your small local family owned business. They really do care. Twin Pines, Thank you for your personal attitudes, your employees, how you run your market and being close to my home:)

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