Monday, November 21, 2011

Go Figure! Active "X"? I.E .Woe is me....Genius here

              Hey People, help!!! I was back to loving my blog posting and then something was amiss. Each time I went to my Norwegianplaid, another window opens and at the top states to download google chrome-well that didn't help one bit-another link showed to "dismiss" so I hit dismiss and my blog window frame opens but also stops right there.
              After days and hours and on the phone with Aol, and nothing helped, I messed around with stuff I know nothing about. Active X pops up and shows I somehow blocked a publisher for active X. What a mess!
             I downloaded the latest IE option and tried that off and on and a little while ago I see in the upper address box, Norwegianplaid and Youpublish, both places I have my fun stuff on. Youpublish shows it is off line for a while. So is youpublish connected to Blogger? I don't even understand how my Norwegianplaid ended up on IE and is allowing me to blog. I don't like it but am happier that I can at least blog. Why don't I like it you may ask-smile-because on this, or in this box, well it is layed out differently and "feels" different, not so welcoming.
            One thing I am reminded of about me...I hate to quit. Aol wanted me to buy a program today for 129.00 promising an immediate diagnosis and repair, or 25. a month for an ongoing service but I would still have had to buy the D&R first. Glad I kept trying, even if I did get to do this by pure accident. Now this rainy, and gloomy day brings me to one last thought...the sofa awaits. Goodnight.

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