Thursday, November 24, 2011

Those Rutters' KIds York New Salem Pa.

       Just want to give a thank you, to those kool young people at Rutters. I stop in  a lot as many do and notice how they treat people. One young lady always offers a smile to just about everyone, and gives a hi, how are you?  She asks questions, not too personal, but enough to let a person know she cares and  not let a line form. When a line happens she is right there pitching in, so Miss T, thank you for all of your hard work and kindnesses. BONUES TIME RUTTERS?
       Now I don't want to single out just one person, but like many who stop in we relate to whomever we have the most contact with at any given time. Some people just have a more reserved personality, want to do their work and not reach out. That's really okay too. No one is rude, short tempered, but just being them selves.
Sometimes it takes a smile to get one. Sometimes it takes offering a kind word, let people know you notice how devoted they are, after all we don't know how the upper crust treats their employees. BONUS TIME RUTTERS?
    Some are part-time BONUS TIME RUTTERS? and I may not see them much, but I do see too how the guys also work. We forget when we talk about companies who have more females and the guys get stuck on the back burner, not noticed as much. Well the two guys I see most are on the ball as well, and goal oriented. They have pleasant personalities and like the ladies offer kind words, short funny stories and take care of business at the same time. I have seen other young guys who, when I come in are working, so again... BONUS TIME RUTTERS?
     So to all of the Rutter Employees at York New Salem, I appreciate the people you are, the work you do, and how you make a day better for this consumer, which in turn makes me want to continue to patronize this particular store.

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