Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kids Out of Place

       I spoke with a young boy today who is disillusioned with life in general. I even wents so far to ask him what should I write about, but I can't say what he did so I'll find another way.
       We as parents have to start so very early with teaching kids to stand up for themselves and not to confuse that with disrespect. Bullying in the school goes on daily. Self-esteem comes from so many things, but mainly starts at home, family, friends then peers in school. There's along line of people who want to get into your kids' head and destroy his or her feeling of self-worth. What price will they pay for feeling as if they don't have any value? Here is a list:
       Food addictions
       Verbal abuse
       Drug Addiction
       Physical abuse
       Choosing friends
       Sexual abuse
       Education, and will they in turn treat others teh same way they have been treated? Please understand I'm not saying, although it may sound like it, that all people with low esteem issues came because mom and dad verbally abused them. Sometimes it's simply because  a kid will twist things in their own head, weight and measure what they see and hear and come out with what adds up to little self worth. That's why we need so desperately to teach them just how much they mean to us, to the world, to a friend and most of all to them selves.
   Try not to tell akid how handsome they are first or how smart. They're not mature enough to write understand the worth in that. Many might take it as, oh I'm only good enough if I'm handsome, but even by then if they do that, they are already on the road to somehow thinking they're not as good as... so just tell them, I'm glad I knwo you, I'm happy you're my son/daughter etc. I know it all sounds so dumb, but remember when you werte a kid? A family member and I were always compared, I was pretty, she was smart, so yes, I grew up knowing I was stupid and she knew she was just okay looking, until we really grew up. By then I was no longer pretty anyway, but she was still smart, and I decided on my own while I make a lot of mistakes, I am by far, not stupid.
    Instill the important values in a child. Treat others kindly, say hello, smile, give when you can give, be a very good friend, volunteer and love each other. I know there are many more so comment. I welcome them.
   Where would we be without kids?

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