Thursday, November 10, 2011

Teachers, Just my Opinion, Male vs. Female

     I love the snow, especially fresh snow, without the prints,  and minus the slush. Kind of like life.
     I know what does that have to do with teachers. Nothing at all,I just love snow. As I sat waiting for a little boy to be allowed into school today since we were early, I had an opportunity that many parents don't. The little boy and I watched teacher walk in one by one, male and female. Of course many more females, than males.
       The men, only two men were years apart. The older man had a small plastic bag and an umbrella. I'm guessing lunch, and the much younger man had a briefcase, not too large or small, enough for lunch and some papers. This was an elementary school in Bermudian Springs PA.
        Now comes an eye opener. The female teachers-wow, what a difference!
These ladies, every single one of them were carrying either a large bag , purse and  a small bag, or a couple of larger bags and filled with things. I watched and pointed out to this little boy who was visiting for a while how teachers come prepared to make classes interesting, and how I would bet they have spent their own time and money to have extra items in the classes to heighten interest all across those little minds. There was one lady much older than the rest who had too many bags, weighted down and her shoulders were hunched with that weight.
        I made sure this little guy knew, saw and could try to appreciate the extra steps these ladies took to help kids want to learn. After a while he then started pointing which teach carried more or less and tried to guess why. He knew who they were and what they taught. I thought about the older male teacher and wondered why he had a bare minimum...did he have tenure or was he just tired of the same old stuff.  Maybe the answer was more simple-maybe he just didn't need anything. Then again, maybe he felt he shouldn't have to go the extra mile because he once did and did he get anything in return which brings me back to the female teachers I saw.
         What makes them try so hard day after day without kind words from a mom and dad, or one or the other? How do they put up with all the baloney from insensitive kids and obnoxious adults who don't understand what it takes to do such a good job. A busy world maybe. How much time does it take to write a note? Not long at all and so, here's mine:
         Thank you, Thank you all who continue to do a job not many people want. Thank you for working well past three, researching on your time, grading on your time, baking on your time, having spouses who in turn lose time with their wife or husband and thank you for the education you paid for to have such a career and are passing it all on. Some may say, hey they get paid, but we know it's never enough, don't we? We know you don't get paid for staying up later than you should, lights on when your own kids are in bed while you look for more to instill curiosity in inquisitive minds, to quench their thirst for the unknown.
          Thank you also to those special education teachers who no one in their right minds has any idea what that's like, no one! If you as a parent think it feels impossible to live and work and love one child with some of those very special and difficult emotional needs, try working for seven hours a  day with four or five children! Then the teen and preteen hormones kick in. Do you think because these teachers have Special Educational training, that makes it easier than your job. No it makes it different, times four or five children. Just tell them thank-you. If you don't feel you should because that's what they get paid to do-think about this. What if you as a parent only did the bare minimum to care for your child? Feed, bathe and bedtime, meds too of course. Ask a teacher to do the same. That my readers will not happen. think about why a favorite teacher was your favorite. I do every day. Thank You all.

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