Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Twin Pines York New Salem Pa.

     How many of us are lucky enough to live close to a market, no not a grocery store, but more like a Farm Market, or Farmers Market? I know I am.
   In case your not familiar with places like Twin Pines, let me tell you a few things about this market. I stopped in this morning to just get two things and happy I left most of my money home. As you know in this world of wanting vs. needing, wanting sometimes over rules the brain.
   At Twin Pines here's what makes wanting easier. It isn't just the food, but the people. Go to a chain supermarket. Everyone needs conversations, so we wait and wait in very long lines. I prefer to save gas and time, may spend more at a market, but I guarantee this. You won't see people at Twin Pines with scraggly hair, tattoos all over, chewing gum with wide open mouths, and a poor attitude. Do I sound judgemental? I'm really not but I do observe a lot.
    When I talk about the people, I am talking neighbors who care. These people who own and work at Twin Pines are kind, funny, helpful and hard workers. I also know the owner is a person who is not judgemental. While I don't know the owner personally, I had an incident happen one day which could have ended a lot worse for a child if we were in a business-like supermarket chain where people have become numb. Not all but many. I won't go into the incident as details aren't important here and I wouldn't want to be responsible for inviting another to do the same thing.
     Twin Pines offers a fresh bakery, fresh meat counter which I am at at least once a week, great dairy products, a fresh vegetable area and all of the non grocery items you may need, as well as staples. Remember as it has been said many times over the years, shop outside isles for a healthier you. Better Yet, Shop Twin Pines.

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