Sunday, November 27, 2011

Being Homeless & Michelle Obama

       Tonight like many nights Michelle Obama come on with a plea to help Haiti. I get it. I get the ripple effect of helping other countries,( learned one day at church) but just then I also thought why doesn't she make a plea for the people here in the United States. This isn't about a certain party, but about people.
       Just then my thoughts were interrupted by a boy who's been living here telling me he broke the tub faucet. I just said I'll look at it tomorrow, no sense getting angry at a kid who just has too much strength. I do too. Then my thoughts went back to the situations in our country. In seconds Scott Pelly came on with a story about homelessness. The story was so deeply heartbreaking.
     Kids, so many kids, hungry, sleeping in cars, motels, and the first family sleeps in a truck. The dad didn't want to be seen on camera so he let his kids talk. The mother died when the kids were young, so they do get social security death benefits. That's something. The dad worked in construction. I wondered and my mind scattered to thoughts of, could I help? Would I make things worse? Believe it or not, I could. See they live in Florida, so the cold weather is not a factor.
       I thought right away, I could invite them to live here until they get on their feet. I figured out the bedroom situation and knew it could work. dad would find work here, yet what if...yes, the what ifs hit me. What if something personal in my life happened as they were just ebbing their way back to a life of regular eating, sleeping in beds, showers, school and work, making friends and all that stuff that comes with family life? They may very well again be out in their truck driving around, looking for a gas station to brush their teeth. I knew I couldn't make it worse, yet I'm still wondering how it could work, and if this is the right time. Could I? A lot of serious thinking to do.
       Do you know how many homeless families there are in the United states since 2007? I don't either but many live for a reason in the warmer climates. Maybe I could just have them here for a few weeks. I just don't know. Would it help?
  Good Night families. You're stronger than most.

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