Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Across The Field...Those People !

       With a big smile in my heart I was just reminded of a time on December 22, two years ago when a few men showed up one Saturday morning, not that I forget at all. How do you ever forget goodness? This is about those men and the People across the field.
          I want to go back some years. For the people across the field who know me pretty well know about my grammar school principal Mr. Vitalo, the most important man in my life as a kid, one who had morals, ethics, built kids up, stood up for them and did anything in his power to help if you let him. I knew that was key, if I let him. Pride and fear get in the way with people. I wrote a lot on this blog about Mr. Vitalo so I won't delve into that again now. As the years passed no could or ever would measure up to even ten percent of that man until...
          I met a man across the field. I didn't have any idea who he was except some guy with a wife and a few kids who moved in and I hope I could hire one of the boys to mow my lawn. That's all I cared about. I wanted to keep my distance. If I paid then there isn't any connection. If I knew then what I know now:)
         Life is funny that way. It gives what you need sometimes weather you want it or not. So I knocked not expecting anything. This guy comes to the door smiling!
I thought what's he smiling about, I haven't said anything yet. He was welcoming me, but he was new. His wife stood by also smiling. Are these people nuts? Did I spill something on my top-again? Anyway I introduced myself and got to the point.
      He looked at his wife and said yeah, I think we can do that. We made arrangements and in a few days he showed up with his son. They looked around the field, and said they'd be back tomorrow. That first time both guys mowed using  a tractor and hand mower for the steep hill in front. After that it was always Sten, my favorite kid mower then. There is a season...
        As time and years passed I found myself learning more about The Family Across the Field, just as they learned about me. we shared many laughs and that guy who I didn't know anything about, well his name is Witmer as I started to call him, as well as some of the kids. One was just Little Witmer. There are so many memories about the talks, the laughs and the help. You see it wasn't just mowing, it was also shoveling snow.
         Before I get to that, once Sten was grown and moving, his brother Eric took over, and he was my favorite kid mower for that stretch. I love having kids around and they always gave more that they got in return. Each son had his own personality and they put up with me yakking at them. What respect! One day big Witmer shows up with Little Witmer. A hot summer day she had the hand held mower, hair up in a pretty pony-tail, and jeans! Long jeans rolled at the bottom mowing in that heat! What a family. If anything humbles a person that family can do it. There kindness and goodness is overwhelming.
     Winter arrives every year. See how smart I am-smirk. I love the winter and as much snow as we can get after all, I am a viking. The summer heat and I don't agree at all, but give me cold weather and I am so happy. So one day during a winter I called over to the House Across The Field and this nice voice answers, yup Lady Witmer. She tells me hello and how are ya doing kind of thing, chit chat a little, then I ask do you think maybe a Witmer could shovel? Of course but first he's a professional shoveler!
      I love to shovel too, but sometimes my back doesn't help out. Well one winter night I hear Witmer with a shovel and at that time I have three boys here for a short time. They asked if they could go out and I say yes, but stay away from the driveway, Witmer is working. Oh boy you won't believe what happened next, I didn't.
     It wasn't long before I heard what sounded like yelling and shouting, giggles, laughing and plain old ruckus! Those kids! I walked out my side door,( can't tell ya what I was thinking) dark as night can be except for  aside light, see one of the boys who said faster than fast, "we're not doin' nuttin, it's them" pointing to the Witmers,  and I see  Big Witmer standing there, shovel in hand, turns around, says with a grin, hey Costa, hope you don't mind, we're just having a little fun. Little Witmer just gets back up the hill, says Hi Costa, we're sledding. I was so happy. My first thought was the boys were doing something to cause a problem, but oh no it wasn't.
If I remember correctly just one Witmer was missing, oh wait two. Lady Witmer was usually home, fires burning, hot cocoa ready doing school or church stuff/work! So Big Witmer told my boys to jump on ad take a ride. Three boys got on a sled and the block could hear them yelling with unleashed happiness. With that I just heard from a boy who remembers the Witmer family. He said his happiest times as a kid was living here, and knowing the Witmer, that he learned from them and he keeps them in his prayers. Kool huh?
      Well they all played a while longer, then finished the drive-way. Over the years any children who lived here were always treated the same by that family across the way, and I could always bounce stuff for ideas with Lady Witmer. We've been invited to church many times. I love to hear Lisa Carpen sing most of all and I remember one night near Christmas, Sten was going to do a piece of art work, then Lisa sang. Her voice, her passion is enough to make anyone change, and more over the years I could vent stuff to Big Witmer too about this and that, and how to repair some things. I like to do as much as I can myself, but then a biggie happened.
         My basement flooded. I talked to Those People Across the Field and Lady Witmer said, I'll ask Todd to come over and look at it. So Big Witmer did come over and he saw the problem. By then I had mold about two feet high and spreading near and wide across paneling, What a mess it was.
         One December morning I get a call. It was Big Witmer. Now he called me the day before asking to come see the water tank, get specks etc. information he was passing on to some guy. Well the very next morning I get another call from Big Witmer. he said we'll be over in about fifteen minutes; I wanted to give you a warning. Fifteen minutes!!! Even Batman doesn't get ready that quick! But I did, not too sure what was coming. Then this wonderful white truck pulls up. My dream is to have a big truck, or just a truck, but has to be able to hold kids:)
       So this truck has a guy, a kid and another guy. I was introduced to them as the men from the Nehemiah mission at the Witmers' church. The little guy was a grandson. We all went to work and on top of that Bob found the leak. It came from a cold water copper pipe leading into my washing machine. John, Witmer, myself and the grandson along with a little guy who was living here at the time worked for three hours, ripping out walls, loading scraps into Witmers truck, hauling out all the basement water which was too heavy. Those men! While I know how strong I am that water was too heavy for me, and smiling Witmer said here Costa, I got it. John and Witmer hauled just about all of the standing water out. Bob installed the new water tank, but it was one always helping the other. They brought in tools, found electric lines, water lines and all for the love of Jesus and their love of helping thy neighbor.
      I couldn't believe it only took three hours. There were times I would go in the basement and feeling overwhelmed, sit on a step and think, how am I going to do this; where will I start? The answer came December 22nd.
      Now after all this, a few months ago I needed to have a hole dug for the septic system to be cleaned and inspected. I called a young Witmer. He was actually getting ready to go back out west, but he came over anyway, putting someone else ahead of himself. That kid! That wonderful kid dug about two hours straight. He looked at a map, listened to the zoning officer to learn, and that was after the fact.
 He dug about four feet down, and close to two and half feet across. It was so professional. You knew this was a young guy with a conscience, a work ethic, and values. The night before he and his sister came over for  a visit. He was tanned and tired and I wasn't sure as tired as he was he would be able to dig. But sure enough, I heard that familiar sound, the shovel. In Winter, summer, a special need, the shovel, those People Across the Field are worthy of whatever goodness in life, that life brings them.
    Oh what I left out; I never knew Witmer was a pastor for many years. He never preached at or to me, not one word, but something about him, his family made me wonder. I wonder a lot . So to address him as Witmer for me seemed normal. Then chatting with Lady Witmer one day, I learned he was a pastor. Like a scattered puzzle coming together, it all made sense. Just like Mr. Vitalos' goodness.  Later in life meeting him again I learned he was studying to be a priest, but the war called and that seemed to change his life's direction, but not for a moment his dedication.
To everything there is a season

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