Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sports Stars Vs. Duck Dynasty

     I am watching The O'Reilly Factor at 8:22 Eastern time and listening to a black(Juan ?) man speak about Jessee Jackson, in an honest way-that Jackson is really looking to insert himself anywhere he can for money.
   The regular newsman, this is also advertised as fox43, so I am again confused. All of this piece started out as being about Phil Robertson and Duck Dynasty's  24 hour marathon where Phil is supposed to be indefinitely suspended. Now as I stated in  a post, consequences come with being outspoken, principles or not, but good for you Phil and family.
      Now lets go to another place, Sports stars and kids. How many sports stars/celebrities have used over and over again, steroids, performance enhancing drugs, beat and raped women, yet earn millions a year with little punishment.
Who's fault is all of this. The American Public=stupidity. The only thing that will change what we don't like is to stop buying tickets, stop buying sports memorabilia, stop paying crazy prices for people who offend, change the channel's, do not buy, do not buy, and do not buy from those who offend.
      The owners of these teams are all saying we, The American Public will take any kind of crap;Let the rape our girls & women, let them take drugs, let them kill, let them drive drunk. let them carry guns because googly eye fans will still pay, they will still watch, they will still buy. Who are we to blame ? US!!!! IDIOTS !!!
      Teach your children. You don't like what Phil Robertson says, Change the channel you idiots ! Make an example for kids to follow. Why do we have so many school shootings ? Look who we idolize-stupid, idiot, morons keep watching, continue to let kids see the same thing.
   I will watch Duck Dynasty and I don't need to explain why to anyone. I won't buy anything sports related that I know has had an influence, negative on the American public's children.
   OH let's take Hollywood while I'm at it. We love our favorite actors, but as adults we need to be cautious when we say front of our children, Oh I gotta see that!. We're adults and hopefully smarter. Teens brains have not developed yet, no until about age 22. So for God's sake, for G_D's sake, for Heavens sake-do the right thing for your kids, and for the future of all kids.  Change the channel, stop buying sports materials, sneakers too after all they're mostly made in China, Love your country, love your family and feet. Make better choice this year. Keep your money at home with you where you have earned it and don't spend on idiots!!!!

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