Wednesday, December 18, 2013

In Support of Gay Marriages

        How many opened this to see what would be said ? Well I don't have much to say but to prove a point. See what or who's side you're on, all about free speech. If I was for Gay marriages, those in favor would be happy about my title, but I'm not in favor of gay marriages.
       If you want to have a union with another person, make it just that, a union/partnership. Yeah I know. People think they have a right to marry. Fine that's your opinion and you are entitled to free speech, free thoughts and living in America ! So honestly, my opinion doesn't count, not one iota. You don't affect my life and I don't affect yours. Just live, be happy and healthy and stop this crap where people don't have a right to voice there own opinion.
     Everyone is different from everyone else, Many, so many have been persecuted because of difference, Polish, Italians, Blacks, Puerto Ricans Whites, the Sick, Elderly, Old, Young, Fat, Skinny, Ugly, Handsome and Beautiful, Alcoholics, Drug Addicts. Religions, and guilty by association s.
      None of us are without have received some kind of bigotry and or persecution, discrimination. I know the depth of this is different for some, worse for others and still minimal for many,...
        .....   so, more important in all of this is to raise your children not to have your hatreds. Raise them to have open minds, to love, care, share and give, to help, to always help.


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