Friday, December 20, 2013

Clay Aitken vs. Phil Robertson, Happy Happy Happy

     Last night I listened to Clay Aitken comments about Phil Robertson. He was very sincere, not attacking, just as Phil Robertson was, but speaking his mind. I really like Clay since I first heard him sin and he has a great voice, is also gay. Just like Phil Robertson they are from opposite side so they each have a right to free speech.
      Clay's perspective was that he has heard so much that this is about free speech, but he disagrees and stated where does it end. What if remarks were about kids? He was also a teacher of children with special needs. He again said what if it was about...and I forgot that part but it stuck out about children.
        We don't do enough to protect children in this country, but to compare what Robertson said to free speech and kids is a bit off. If a grown man verbally attacks a kid he deserves what he gets, but Robertson was speaking to hopefully educated to some degree, the adult public.
        So in his own right, same as anyone else in AMERICA, Clay Aitken used free speech and the media, Arsenio Hall's TV show. I am usually no up that late but  happy happy happy I was.
( excuse me Clay if I mispelled your name ) Freedom of the press

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