Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dec.11, 2013

Dec.11, 2013


The first day I woke up

Slowly I knew this day

Just over a month now

That she passed away


I walked into the kitchen

And filled a pot of water

                                                                And then I remembered,

                                                                    my sisters’ only daughter


I felt the guilt in seconds

That I woke today

And didn’t think instantly

Of the day she passed away


She was too young, so much so

The grief is hard to bear

Yet I know she knew we loved her so

Always smiling, with long blond hair


Her brother said at her funeral

I miss her so much already

She always said she had killer hair

 And loved to have her teddy


Sleeping and carrying a teddy bear

She did this all the time

Friends and family knew she loved

That bear, her friends in line.


All the memories return, as guilt was felt today

When I forgot to remember, my niece who passed away

Although it was only minutes, the memory set in stain

Losing Laura hurt us all, a life lost in vain.


P.S. Her life was not in vain

But the loss, seems the same


N. Costa


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