Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Never Over...Remember

      I know, we all have a lot to say as one year ends and a new one begins, so what if we look at it a bit differently. Look at the past year as not being over but and the new one is an extension of the old one. Let them mesh into each other as do your dreams and plans for a future.
      Don't think about not having reached a  goal because you promised yourself if you didn't do it in 2013, it would never happen. BULLY CRAPO !
      Every year is just a extension into the next one as is your life. Your life is so precious that you can't quit, you can't give up and let go and forget all about your dreams. You see, I know someone who is right now hanging on because she worries that this is what her family wants, but she is tired and she wants to let go.
                         See the difference? Of course you do.

     You are alive, so you have to find again that spark that brought a dream, a reason and purpose for you to want to accomplish that special something. Dig deep, relax, think and remember your dream. I Know many want to lose weight and never do, but NEVER isn't over yet  ! Don't quit trying ! You're alive. You have time.
     So how do you keep trying after years of things not working ? Take a few quiet minutes, write down three things you love and one that you are very good at. Write me at doozybags@aol.com and we can hash it over together. YOU start by starting, and it doesn't have to be tonight or tomorrow. Do it in your time when you have that private and quiet, no one better bother me time.
     Happy New Year,
          I am Norwegian & Plaid

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