Monday, December 9, 2013

What a Rehearsal

What a Rehearsal!

Unexpectedly a call came

Sadness enveloped him

And he knew it was time once again

To rehearse and hold up his chin,

Hearing in a background

Oh no, I’m sorry, what can I do

Words never enough, never

To just get you through.

Rehearsal like the choir

Rehearsal like a wedding you see

But nothing like a death

Is enough rehearsal, for you or me.

He knows he cannot cry

He cannot shed a tear

He has to be so strong

Rehearsing without fear

He will face those who loved

And all of those who lost

A child, a friend, a special someone

Buried in winters frost

Standing tall and seeming strong

A last good-bye has come along

Grief endless and pain alone-Rehearsal for a life, a life now gone.


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