Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lonely Teenager, A Poem a day...

   Lonely Teenager
He walked with shoulder's slumped down
 a Hoodie, now known on his head
He seemed to stand out more than others
yet felt like he was dead.
She was different than her friends
who teased her all day long
they said she never really knew
how to, sing their song.
They said he never was quite like them
that he looked funny too
and he even talked weird to people
but he was just lonely, like you.
They said she wore her hair so long
 and she walked her kind of gait
so they never bothered to ever know
her inside, her love of faith.
Next time you see a kid so weird
and doesn't seem like you
take the time to be a friend
That's what really counts too.
Look inside yourself, in the mirror today
look past the eyes you see, your clothes for the day
look past the friends who are just fake, walking on popular street
and take another look at those, who really don't want to compete.
Look and look again
Be honest with who you are
Open up the palm of your hand
Get to know the person, see the shining star.

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