Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Neighbors' Table

       As I sat sharing brunch with some people I never met,(but may have seen before) I listened as one man spoke of his wife. She passed away, I believe he said in 2004/5, and he wasn't speaking in a way of "pity me" but more about a factual event in his life. We all had stories to share, some funny, some about food, people, things we celebrate and where we come from.
     One lady had the softest southern accent, I felt like I just wanted to get in my Cooo Gah and take off to Tennessee. Actually I no longer have my Cougar, but I bought it from the same people, the mother-in-law who owned it and I was the lucky one to get it. Sure loved that car and nothing but good memories to come with it.
     Getting back to this gentleman speak about losing his wife immediately brought me to my niece Laura. With My daughter sitting close by I wondered if she too was thinking the same thing. This man also mentioned his late wife a bit later on in the living room. But at the table, concerned with another chat he stated that his family was the church, the people, the pastor and his wife. He was so matter of fact, so sincere, I knew he meant that from the bottom of his heart. That made me think...what did I miss when I did go? Did I give it a fair chance or was I just done with Church. I honestly don't know. But I do know music plays a big part for church with me. Sure I'll never find that church I grew up in, yet I won't stop trying. That isn't to take away from the church I'm talking about. They have a mean band and some awesome voices, but I may still be searching.
       I know too that I will be back from time to time at my special neighbors church, yet I have issues and get distracted easily or maybe I use that as an excuse. The music. At my niece's funeral two women sang songs, Bridge over Troubled Waters and You Raise ME Up. I knew then if all the music was even close to that at their church I will take a trip down there. I've know the pastor who officiated and he very much reminds me of the neighbor pastor. He is who he shows himself to be, honest and with Character, friendly, giving, not showy and above all else he loves God and his family.
     Both of these men will help without asking, will do without expecting and won't preach at you or even to you, but will gently serve as an example and a reminder of who we all should strive to be more like.
    This was a brunch as last year that I very much enjoyed and as we walked out the door, a little guy said we'll have this at our house next year-hey! Ya never know :) HE works in mysterious ways. ...and Miracles do happen :)

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