Monday, December 2, 2013

Bless This House oh Lord We Pray

       Remember that song ? Not just an oldie but better than a goodie. As time and memories of people pass, you will see people who is alone. Many like it just like that and many don't. At the end of every year, TV stations play and show photos of all of those we know as celebrities in one way or another, who have died.
       Yes, they are people too, but what about the moms and dads who have lost sons and daughters in the military, or in sickness or accidents ? What about losing a parent too young, or a child at that tender age-any age is tender. A Child is a child.
        Hearts seem to break harder at this time of year. Why? Because most are happy and those who have lost someone who is precious, who has shared memories and who is loved, is no more. How do you offer a paper wrapped gift when the best gift all parents are given is a child ? How, how can you possibly offer a paper wrapped gift ?
      What you can offer is yourself. Go and just be. Let tears flow, and words of sorrow seep through tears of anguish. Hold them if you can, make tea, sit and listen. If you can, tell about your times. They need to hear it too. Pray, pray and pray some more for God to bless that home that no longer seems like a home. After all, what is a home without the spirit of a child no longer here ? Empty.

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