Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Phil Roberts' Anti-Gay Comments-free speech !

       Why is it when someone states how they feel about gender, race, religion or anything in particular people get up in arms and feel "they can't say that". So why is it THEY can say what THEY want about anyone who opposes whatever.
      People, get off your high horse and remember we live in America and have a right to feel what we feel and speak, how we speak. Try to remember Phil Robertson has a right to his free speech just as much as anyone.
      Now I know bleeding hearts will try to condemn this man for his feelings, take him off the air and so on. What does that make you ? That makes you someone who is not tolerant of others as you charge Phil Robertson and your answer is he does not have a right to free speech but we do. Well screw you ! Screw you all.
      Men and women fight and die for your free speech but you will be the first to deprive others of it. Do something with while in life other than attack a person for his mouth. Help the poor, the cripple, the dying. feed the homeless, dress those who need it, give to those who need a hand, not a big attacking mouth.
    If you can't be part of the solution, go live in China !

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