Friday, December 20, 2013

With Consequences, Hey Jack !

       Earlier I spoke with my daughter who said it better than I, and I never brought it up to her. She too like so many love Duck Dynasty and the  character's who play themselves, maybe adding a little dumbness to themselves. I am big on America and free speech, but she added, sure free speech with consequences.
        Yes there is as we see fallout from Phil Robertson's comments and maybe like kids who say inappropriate comments and get consequences in school and or at home, we as adults should too. Yet somehow it still doesn't feel right...why  get punished because of how we feel ? Am I missing something ? I see all sides here, but to me it still comes down to this, CHANGE THE CHANNEL
        Do not make it so a few men take him off the air but show in unity as a whole if you agree or not by changing the channel or not. So he stays on the air and you don't like it-don't watch !
     Hm, I wonder what Judge Judy would say about this :) Hey Jack, look who we vote for. There's always a consequence there too-or not. Last thought. Are they taking reruns off the air ?=residuals $$$$

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