Thursday, December 19, 2013

B Thankful on Craigslist Instead of

       I'm not a big fan of Craigslist things except stuff for sale, but I used to look at the rants and, well crazy people venting area. Once I even vented about a freaking bigot neighbor across the street.
     So why not for one week or from now until New Years day 2014 go on Craigslist , to the Rant section and don't complain, don't rag on anyone, no nasty crap, nothing vulgar, but compliment people, be thankful and let others know you have some class.
     You think you don't have anything to be thankful for? How about a few suggestions ?
  •     Health
  •     Eyesight
  •     Freedom
  •     You're alive
  •     Cancer free
  •     a warm home
  •     Friends
  •     freedom of religion
  •     you're an American
  •     Someone loves you
  •     i'm sure there are many things you can think of- Happy and Healthy New Year

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