Monday, December 2, 2013

Really ,a Best Friend?

       Lately I have been hearing about being someones best friend.  Over and over one after another I heard what best friends they were, yet one is gone, and it may not have been prevented no matter what.
        They brag on social media about being best friends. Really ? How is it you are a best friend to a person who has addictions and participate with them. You don't unless one of two things. You're not a best friend at all, not even close or you have your own addictions. Misery loves company.
       The people left behind are the real best friends, the ones who didn't participate with the addictions, but went out to eat or shop or just spend time, it was the parents, aunts, uncles, brothers and one very special cousin, maybe a few I didn't know about because other cousins are pretty good people too.
       Yet those best friends are seen once again on social media pages at the same places, no longer wounded but participating again with another who may also be addicted. When do we learn? When does it stop? Be a real best friend. Walk away from those places. Meet at a restaurant, a movie, your home, go bowling  and so much more in life that's available.
      Think about happiness, real, not under the influence happiness, or phony friends. Be a better friend, because your kind of friendship is a dime a dozen.

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