Sunday, December 29, 2013

Just How Important Is She/He ? Don't Wait

       Have you found yourself at any given time sitting alone and watching people ? Interesting huh ? But in that have you ever wished it was you ? If you have someone special in your life do not wait to make it permanent and don't keep them hanging because you're not sure.

      Life is so short. Remember leaving High school and now, what age are you? See how fast time passes. If you are still just dating at four years chances are by next year you have split up. Married and approaching that 17 year mark but it looks rocky;It probably is so do yourself and spouse a favor-put life back into the one you loved when you married him or her.
      At this writing I just received an e mail about a woman who is dying. Now she is ninety -one but in that it was told she never made plans for her final days as she was too busy living life. NOW that we can and should try to remember to do too.

      Please don't waste time with petty differences and yes, that always easy for anyone to say and sometimes we only realize it when we lose, when we have lost, when our loved one is no longer with us.
      Don't wait. Ask, receive and remain together in 2014

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