Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mormons, Missionaries and Mitt

       I remember the first time I told my brother I attended a Mormon church. He did a high pitch sound saying, ahh, no they're a cult! Well I looked into his church and it appears to be along the same lines.
      As a person who grew up in New York I felt fortunate in some ways to have a father who was a bigot. I'm sure you'll understand this parents. It's when you tell your child no, and of course they want a yes, so they explore, break rules and seek out the why of the no. That's what I always did, secretly of course. My best adult friend on my block was a man who was Jewish, and my best male friend in school was Italian Catholic and I remember even younger than those days, about ten years old a man who was Spanish and looked just like Zorro on TV, well I was attracted to him, and yes at ten. But he was kind and always when not working sat on his stoop, and smoked, talked to a few neighbors. He would let me talk for a little while, but never sit, said it was improper and then make me cross the street and go home. I was to be afraid of him because of his culture according to good ol', well my male parent.
    That's how "I" went all of my life. If people talk against it, I want to know why personally, not to simply believe. So to the Mormons. My experiences were positive and I used to feel a certain jealousy knowing and seeing how healthy they are, and how they live their life. No smoking and alcohol is out. So what some say and sure that's fine, but can't we at least take the positives and put them to good use. I know plenty of Christians who smoke and drink. Check out the missionaries. How many Christian kids and other faiths do what they do?
    Get off your high horse, I am not knocking Christianity, but believe in it. Yet when the Bible talks of one faith, I see why. We need some of the other religions.
I used to wish I started out as a Mormon.  I loved the Jewish faith, can't say much about Catholics, just ill informed as well as with other religions except the Seventh Day Adventists, another positive way of life and faith. I lived with the Amish as a very young kid and wished then to stay, a very peaceful way of life with much faith as the number one reason to live how they do.
     So now we come to Mitt. So what if he's a Mormon? Go check them out. Invite the missionaries to your home. Sure they'd love you to switch, but that's part of the reason for the work they do. Don't many faiths try to have people swim to their side?

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