Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Is Anyone Home? Borders ....

     This can of course have two meanings, but for now, what I'm talking about again, yes again, is buying American. Do you miss Borders? I do. Maybe you don't miss Borders if you just don't enjoy reading, or meeting up with friends, magazines, music, educational toys and new authors, local authors who give people some encouragement and don't charge a half a mil to come see them plus buy a book.
     IS anyone home? Is anyone listening? I know you think like so many, what can one person do? Well one and one are two, and so on. One can multiply until we bring American standards back to where it belongs!  Or do we wait until one morning we wake up and some guy carrying a red circle flag is telling us when to go to the bathroom. Remember the recent Olympics? Our own dressed in clothes made in China!!!   Carrying this too far?y? Not on your American life!
    How many girls do you want to have?

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