Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Neighbors, Men who bully women

     How many times have we heard the saying good ol'boys. I heard something like that tonight when a male neighbor decided to blast me about how boys will be boys, boys do this, my son did his wild stuff too,(talking about his son) but first he chose to blast me, a female, not go to the other boy's home first and try to be all manly and blast the other boy's father, nah...he needed to, blow up and unload, as he told me later. Ahh , good for him. What a man. What every woman wants ina husband, a brother, friend or male role model.
    Sure the kids are happy now, no legal trouble as the guy wanted to keep it between the adults and parents, or guardians. It also turned out he didn't want money for what he said was damage to his truck, but he was being a nice guy as he wanted them twice before. Why didn't he tell me the first time?

   I've dealt with this Man, I say loosely, once before with another boy, and once when his wife was scratched by a cat and he came on my property trying to get a wild cat and yelling at his wife. Now will you listen to me when I tell you to do something? She stood there, meek and mild, afraid of his bark. Goooood for him.  That other boy, well the same thing happened. He came here, told me off , yelling to show the neighbors what a man he is, but never went to the homes where two other boys lived with their own fathers, no, yelling at women, seems to be a hobby.He can scare women, and children. The kids of course kiss up to him in fear of his anger, maybe pressing charges for destruction of property. What ever he would have done as far as that, fine, but to come and bully a woman?
     What  a man ...oh to be fair, he did apologize later three times and said I just had to get it out and you were closer...think I'll move.

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