Monday, August 20, 2012

How Short Life is, so what do we do...

      Tonight as we settled down, the kid and I that is with the pup, we hear a sharp rap on the front door. It's the neighbor from across the street and I am trying so hard not to feel bitter, but I do, as he is a bully. He didn't want any money on Friday for kid throwing rocks, one of which I am responsible for, but now wants 925.94 to be split between myself and another parent. He claims this is for a black truck, but when we were asked to look at it, I took a flashlight and shone it on a blue/green truck with paint chips off and a greenish underlay. So what's that about?
He also asked me if he was safe, since my kid was African American, but isn't worried about the boy who lives down the street, is white and  a long time member of his family.
      I walked back into my home wondering how I can fight this and upset at the whole thing. I know the boys were so very wrong, need to pay, offered to pay and that was refused with the so called man saying, I don't want any money. Once the other parent mentioned he had insurance I think the whole ball game changed. This  "man" who said send him over to me, I have the answer, I know what to do, I'll make him work" and repeated, I don't want any money, what's he got, nothing, someones gonna give it to him? Kind of a back woods person with a drawl, he was so verbally agressive with me, and not at all with the other parent. Now he asks, who is going to pay me, will you get back to me tomorrow, I want my money by the end of the week. I told him that wasn't happening. The boy gets allowance once a month and will pay with that. The "man" said no.
      So now here I was and e mailed the people that have more say, as this little guy is not my own son, but a child I take care of who is allowed a certain amount of freedom. They'll let me know in a day what is decided. Chances are they'll ask me if I have insurance too. No I don't, not for this. Then I thought about someone I've been thinking about for just about a week.
       I e mailed this person one night asking about the family, how is everyone and woke up to a disturbing dream which I won't go into here. But it was so close to a home feeling. I thought it was about me as I am a mother and this dream was about a mother, and a family surrounding her and the dad in a time of sadness. I couldn't tell the person I already dreamed what would happen. We all know how wrong that is and how wrong I could be. Maybe it was me in the dream as the mom, I don't know. But in this dream, the house was so bright, a beautiful dining room, lots of windows and more and tonight I remembered that dream and thought, how short life is. This crap about the guy across the street is just stuff, not important and so I'll handle it as best as I can and let it go-I hope. Life is too short. right now I would like to move. Life is too short to even look across the street, but never too short to move.

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