Thursday, August 9, 2012

Makes sense to Start School MId-Summer

     No people, I'm not saying year long school. What I am saying is the summer months are too long for many kids to be away from school. Not all as many kids can do just fine with all summer off.
     But doesn't it make sense to give kids more time off in winter around the holidays? Instead of ten to twelve days away, let it go from December twentieth to the end of February. Then if you are a person who is lucky enough to be a stay at home parent and if you traditionally celebrate Christmas with younger kids, look how much time they have to play, spend more winter time, outdoors riding a new bike too.
    Since we have less daylight hours in winter and kids are brought in earlier because of the dark, which means less outdoor time, less outdoor exercise. Kids need that outdoor time. Also in summer with school, they have a/c for half  a day, and half of that day is used up in school with plenty of daylight left to play outdoors. Come on parents, let's start something here. :) Hey one more thing, you know how too many people are picking up on SAD, Seasonal affective disorder?  Yeah, I watched Northern Exposure too.
Well more home time, less winter school time would take care of that!

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