Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey Parents, Get Ready, Christmas? Why?

      Christmas is for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus if you believe in Him, and for families. If not then why are people buying so many gifts for people who don't appreciate it, and all they think about is me, me , me.
       Do you give back during the year, or just take any time you can? What is good enough for some isn't for others. Some are happy to have a home to live in, rent to pay, groceries to buy, clothes to wear and some are never satisfied, no matter how much you give and give and give. Any time now the stores and ads on TV will be sending those endless greedy messages to children to put parents payroll checks in their hands instead of keeping it in the family.

      So do yourself  a favor, make sure you spend what you think you're going to on Christmas for those who deeply need it like, St. Judes, Cancer research, MDA, and many more. I know this all sounds so cliche, but Christmas is for Jesus and Church and families. Spend it with those you love and who love you, even with those you might just care about.
   Electronics? No way!!!

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