Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friendship, at what cost & outsiders

       Friendship is very important to kids and as long as things are going well, well it's fine, but when something wrong happens, who will take most of the blame, responsibility and what happens to the friendship. Will fingers be pointed at one over the other? Definitely. That usually happens for a few reasons. First maybe one kid doesn't really belong in the community so as a newbie, most of it comes on that kid. If that kid has had issues before, it will be something such as, Hey stay away from that kid, now look what happens, taking responsibility away from one.
    Trouble breeds trouble and it usually takes two so tell your kids, tell them again and again, don't let one talk you into something which ends up negatively. Something else to think about: Sometimes kids want a Friend to prove a friendship, as in maybe there is jealousy, so misery loves company. Let your kids know that too if you get my drift. Friendship, no more?

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