Sunday, August 12, 2012

What's Your Passion?

      Many people have a few passions. It can be the arts, education, a craft/skill, or they can be passionate about people. Like many I only learned late in life about doing what you want to do within your passions, and then fill it up and let it overflow. Too many of us grew up being taught to get an education,a job, get married and take care of your responsibilities. That's all true, but I don't believe we were taught in a right order.
      As I mention in my blog about college, Missionary Work, The Service etc. we don't usually know what we want by the time we're supposed to be ready for college. But it sure is a good time to examine your passions. That takes time. When you meet with a college counselor they, in many cases want you to fill you schedule with a few classes you don't actually need and won't get credit for, but you sure will have to pay for it and pay you will!
      Talk it over with parents, friends, experienced business people, the chamber of commerce people who have been through what you're going through, all of them. Please remember how many times you've heard your own parents say, if I had to do it all over again I'd...then of course they'll also say, but I wouldn't change it for anything. Why? Because then it sounds like they didn't want you, and they really did. Yet if they had to do it all over again and still have you, how would they change the road they took? Dirt or blacktop? Follow your passions. That's not in the book.

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