Thursday, August 9, 2012

College, Voc. College , Military or Missionary

      Don't waste your money or your parents money. While it's hard to know at seventeen or eighteen what you want to be when you grow up, just look at your parents, and talk to them. Just as important talk to other parents. How many parents went back to school because either they didn't finish or they always wanted to be something else?
      YOU HAVE CHOICES ! YOU have to pay back student loans or they come after you. Just when you finally get that job you've waited for so long, in it about a year, the notice comes, you owe....thousands of dollars. How freaking scary is that?
It can ruin your credit! So USE your choices before College. YOU can go to traditional college, check out the vocational schools. We are not all meant to be teachers, scientists, historians, doctors(but we sure need them all)
      What about joining the service for both men and women? Have you thought about volunteering for missionary work? YOU get to see new places and I say that with a smile as we know most of the new places you'll see but well worth it. How many young adults do that?  Then there's mommy hood and/ or daddy hood. Do you want to just settle down and marry? That too isn't meant for everyone. IT cost a lot of money and love. Love isn't measurable, not the kind you need for marriage and babies, so choose wisely. This is your life!

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