Monday, August 20, 2012

Leppo Carpet Cleaners & George, a Great Buy !

       Today I had Leppo Carpet Cleaners, on Queen st. in York, pa. over to clean an old burber carpet. It was thick with a design weaved into it, and a very light color. This carpet hasn't been done/cleaned since new, many years ago.
       Prior to calling others, I called Leppo, and after calling others I decided to go with Leppo. Not only did they beat the price including cleaning a mattress, but my carpet came out looking as close to new as you can get. The mattress? It also looks like new and I would let anyone sleep in that room now.
       George, who came into the house, called before coming, making sure he was in the right area. There are a couple of streets which have the same and almost  same name. Meeting George was not new for me. I met him about four or five years ago when I was driving home on a snow and ice covered road close to home, and by the fire department.
      George was driving the Leppo van and my car, a KIA slid sideways into his van. My four whel drive was locked in position so I couldn't move it. On we went hitting the corner of the van, but my KIA ended to be totaled out. It was older and had a lot of miles. George got out of his van and asked if we were okay. Once everything was settled, we waited for an ambulance to take the boy who was with me to the hospital to be checked out. He had some mental retardation and was pretty shook up, but loved the attention. The electric company was also close by with one off their huge trucks with a cherry picker on it. They volunteered to take the boy who was by now standing with me freezing at the side of the road.
      The boy gratefully agreed to sit insde the truck. George stayed standing next to me on the phone with Leppo Carpet letting them know he was involved in an accident, but he also called friends who came pretty quick considering the roads.
George said then, He wasn't going to leave me standing there but would make sure I got home. I did get home. One of his friends arrived and picked me up and drove me home. Gentlemen to be sure, all of them. However George was such a gentleman, the kind of person you hope to meet to put a positive spin on manhood.
      More men today could take to following the path of such a man. Leppo Carpet, I am thankful for a great job today. I never imagined it would look so good again.
Thank You, next month, the living room:)

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